Black TikTok Stars You Must Follow In 2021
Black TikTok stars is a topic that much like the topic of Black Lives Matter needs to be discussed, shared, and spread around for the world to see and enjoy their talent.
Although, some of the black TikTok influencers are going on strike at the moment. To support the black artists who have not been credited in white people’s videos.
The TikTok platform as a whole has a good representation and an algorithm that helps you discover people you like better.
For example, if you just keep watching and liking black TikTokers, the algorithm understands that you prefer those to others. And will keep showing you more of such creators.
In this piece, we will feature funny black guy videos, to best black TikTokers. Most importantly it will have people from all niche categories.

First on the list is one of the best black TikTokers that entertains like no other person in the world. He is known for his kiss or slap videos, but also his authenticity and a pocket of sunshine energy.
He is first on our list for videos and their style. Because he is all about blackness. He is a proud owner of, can’t remember how many inches, but that is one of the aspects of being proud.
And, he is the one that bequeaths some of the first black man kisses. He has probably given a million of those.
Although his videos seem like the shallow type, just kiss or slap videos. He gets quite the number of views on those videos.
Currently, he has more than 15m followers with almost half a million likes in his account. He also sometimes checks the loyalty of couples by giving them an offer only a few refuse.
Overall, it’s fun and entertaining to watch him and definitely worth following.
Related: Free TikTok Followers

His channel is full of sweet stuff. Literally, full of desserts that he cooks all by himself. He is the go-to black TikTok influencer if you want to find out about deserts and stuff.
He not only cooks deserts but tastes and checks some of the popular deserts. He does sponsorships but lets everybody else know that it is a sponsorship.
It is probably his ingenuity and talent that got him more than 1 million followers. His niche is not big, but he is one of the biggest in this niche, especially if you think in terms of black TikTok stars.
The best part about his content is that it’s educational. And it teaches a lot about the secrets and the formulas of cooking a delicious desert like himself.
His recipe testing series is one of the ways he got TikTok famous. Among the black TikTok stars he probably is the one who is not quite as black as it gets. He doesn’t make any content on being a black desert chef.
He probably should, because the first thing that comes to people’s mind when they think of dessert chefs is an overweight French guy.
One of the fittest black TikTok stars Ulisses has been in the world of fitness for a long time. Like many TikTokkers, his TikToks vary in type and quality. He does have some quality content as well.
He posts mainly the clips of his workout and teaches people how to do stretches or workout regimes. He is not that deep into teaching; it is something useful one might gain by following him.
If you are into fitness or have thought about going to the gym. You should be following him already today. This way, you might even get some inspiration from one of the fittest black TikTok stars.
Of course, as this is just a social network, and he is quite a popular personality. He also shares tidbits of his personal life, things like outings, or the time he spends with his family and stuff.
The general audience is there for the fitness and for the inspiration, I assume. Thus, the majority of videos you see are of that type. It is him and his fitness.

We have talked about cooking channels. This is one of the black TikTok stars in the cooking genre as well. However, she cooks some of the best vegan meals.
Her recipes remind you of your grandma’s dishes, only if she were a vegan. If you only gave her an avocado, the number of meals she could make would really surprise you.
She is definitely one of the black TikTok influencers you should follow. Not just to learn her recipes but also to get a glimpse of a memory of your grandpas and elders.
Every now and then she also posts inspirational stuff in there as well. It is expected from black TikTok stars to post inspirational stuff because it seems like it’s in the genes to inspire others.
She has released a book, her line of products, she does a bunch of brand deals, and more. She is incredible in that way.
Follow her for all those inspirational videos and vegan recipes.

Next on the list is one of the most energetic black TikTok stars. She is known for her dance moves and being trendy and for creating a bunch of trends as well.
She has that sexy body that attracts and the moves that retain the viewers. However, she is more than just a sexy body, her authentic personality and wits show up in each one of her clips.
She is also active in other social media platforms, but TikTok is where she originated and got famous. It’s like her home platform.
Like many other black TikTok stars she also shares her personal life and her struggles, plus some of the happy moments.
She is a good TikToker to come and follow if you want some dance videos to pop up in your feed every now and then.
She is the TikTokker that the audience needed for a long time. Because how often do you meet someone who has curly hair and is black.
I am sure quite often. But you did not have that relatable, sweet girl who is there to explain all about curly hair and how to care for it.
Her tips on hair care and coloring are really useful because she personally uses all those tips and shows what is doing.
It is also hard to not like her personality: It’s very relatable, cheerful, and most importantly fun. Obviously, she does a lot of advertisements as well, but it is what it is with TikTok stars these days whether black or white.

If you were reading an article about black TikTok stars and you wouldn’t have trendy TikTokers showing off their curves, that would probably be unacceptable.
That is why we have @trendycury to talk about and show you all the trends the curvy are going for. In fact, it is a bit of a stretch to call her curvy because she looks so good.
I don’t know how she finds all those clothes. She either has huge sponsorships or a huge wardrobe equal in size to a house.
The mere existence of her channel is so inspiring that you should be subscribing. But also her confidence speaks words.
Her personality is magnetic and very pleasant that you won’t definitely mind her showing up on your feed.
You can follow her even if you are not quite curvy. Because she is really trendy and knows her stuff. The things she tries on and demonstrates are always some of the best trendy stuff around.
Now, this TikTok artist is the one everyone should follow. Not because she is one of the black TikTok stars on our list but for the incredible creativity and talent and art that she makes on the platform.
She has to be the only person on the planet who is doing some art with her hair, but it is not just some sort of art, it is a kind that attracts millions of views and followers.
Although she has one of the weirdest mutations, she seems like a confident and cheerful personality. What makes it really worth your time is probably the art she makes tirelessly.
Obviously, it is for those unique art pieces she makes with her hair that many watch her. But you should not try to repeat what she does, especially if you are a white person reading this.
Because she has what we call, the real African hair. And many girls don’t like that, but she made sure to control that hair and probably make a whole new living out of it.

Another one of the mother figures in our black TikTok stars list is Nicole. Her deal is not that she cooks vegan meals, but teaches an important topic in youth’s life.
Sexual education and all kinds of vagina-related stuff get discussed in her clips. As her bio says it is no judgment zone.
There are not as many cool doctors/mothers as her on the platform. So, she is unique in that sense.
You should think that her niche is not big. But some of her videos have millions upon millions of views, which proves people need to talk about this stuff.
And it should be un-tabooed and spoken about more freely everywhere. Even though I am a man, I watched some of the advice she gave. They blew me away.
When you think about TikTok these are the TikTokers that come to your mind. those with weird yet unique and creative videos, with occasional inspiration, and dances.
Taylor is exactly that TikToker who does all those on occasion and more. You should expect the wisdom of other older black TikTok stars we talked about earlier.
But what you can expect is again that magnetic personality, some of the craziest dance moves, and the most intimate of details about her life.
However, she does seem to be very politically active promoting her point of view often. She also does stand up for minority causes and supports civil rights issues and so on.
She even posts historical facts about our beloved country.
Youarecreators777 is a channel that talks about metaphysical stuff, and lives it. Ever since he created his channel a few years ago, he has been preaching that life is hard.
What is crazy though is that it works for him, and it is so possible that it works for everyone else as well. He preaches that the Law Of Attraction many people are attracted to in such a simple and straightforward way.
His TikToks is the one to follow if you need spiritual enlightening and guidance. Well, his teaching is also quite practical. He is one of the black TikTok stars that help you really change your life.
Watching and following him should be the number one thing on your list of things to do if you want a little bit of positivity and spiritual edification.
For all of you anime lovers. Mizushogun is the guy to watch out for. He makes TikToks on all kinds of anime stuff.
From the anime facts to discussions to making his own small sketches and stuff. He is like the black king of anime.
Although he makes mainly anime-related videos, his energy and charisma are so vibrant that you see it through the screen.
His discussions on the anime world and anime series are very interesting and useful. You should definitely give a follow if you don’t mind him popping up with his anime facts and discussions.

Talking about anime facts and discussions, Julian is probably the one you should also add to that discussion. Mizu probably knows more facts and details about anime.
However, when it comes to making small sketches and TikToks, he is damn near perfect. Even though he is not the next Zach King. His videos still attract quite a number of people.
He not only posts anime sketches though. He has some of the most unique loops and cycle types of TikToks that when they show up you are sure to fall in for them.
He is one of those black TikTok stars you sure wouldn’t mind showing up in your following. because his videos are so cool that you might even search for them specifically.
He has his YouTube channel where he teaches about VFX stuff and how he makes his videos. He makes it look so easy, that when you watch one of his tutorials or speeches about his own videos you are going to be like “Ohh, that is easy”. but you still can’t do it.
So, just keep watching his videos and enjoy his art, for it’s worth all the time you put into it.
To Wrap Up
To spread the word and the talent of the black TikTok stars around the internet. This article featured 11 of the best black TikTokers. There is a TikToker for every taste and for every niche.
Some of the black TikTok stars use their platform as means to make money, while some also enjoy inspiring and doing good.
However, in this list, you have got the ones that have found a balance between the two.
Hope it was an interesting read:)
Especially people like Tabitha Brown who blesses the world with her vegan meals and words of wisdom
Check out TikTok Pro Account: How to Switch to Pro Account on TikTok if you want to become one of those people.